Professional Learning: Behavior

Formal professional learning opportunities offered by the Diagnostic Center, Northern California (DCN). This is part of the 2024-25 Professional Development Catalog.

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Topic Areas: Assessment | Behavior | Dual Language Learners | Intervention & Instruction | Mental Health


Creating an Effective Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)


Intended Audience

  • School psychologists
  • Behavior analysts/behavior specialists
  • Professionals who are responsible for writing behavior plans


  • BH013: In-Person (4 hours)
  • BH014: Virtual - Session 1 of 2 (2 hours)
  • BH015: Virtual - Session 2 of 2 (2 hours)

The implementation of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is only as effective as the precision, specificity, and creativity of the written plan. This training will cover how to accurately align individualized replacement behaviors to function, selecting an appropriate reinforcement system, and writing a measurable plan to track progress. Included in this training will be practical tools for writing BIPs that are user friendly to those implementing them, while also providing enough detail that consistent implementation with fidelity is more likely.

Participants Will

  • Gain an increased understanding about necessary components of a Behavior Intervention Plan
  • Learn how to create aligned pathways between function of behavior and functionally equivalent replacement behaviors
  • Take away key concepts in writing a comprehensive BIP
  • Engage in case discussion to identify appropriate, creative, and doable reinforcement systems

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Behavior Supports in the Classroom: How to Implement Reinforcement Strategies


Intended Audience

  • Special education teachers
  • General education teachers supporting students with behaviors


  • BH009: In-Person (4 hours)

This training will discuss how to identify, understand and intervene with problem behaviors within the classroom. Through examples and case studies the steps of creating a classroom environment rich in positive behavior supports will be outlined and discussed. Evidence-based positive behavior intervention strategies and supports within the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework will be covered. Strategies will address how to support the vast array of problem behaviors that students may engage in, across all classroom settings.

Participants Will

  • Increase understanding of why students engage in problem behavior
  • Receive specific explanations of how to implement positive behavior strategies within the classroom environment from the Prevent, Teach, Reinforce model
  • Create an action plan for how to enhance classroom positive behavior supports

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Behavior Supports for the Whole Class: How to Support All Students Throughout the Day


Intended Audience

  • Special education teachers
  • General education teachers supporting students with behavior needs


  • BH016: Virtual (2 hours)

This training will focus on Tier 1 positive behavior interventions. Evidence-based positive behavior intervention strategies will be covered that address how to support challenging behaviors that students may engage in via the structure, interaction, and activity design incorporated as part of a class-wide system. This training is appropriate for teachers at all grade and ability levels.

Participants Will

  • Increase understanding of why students engage in problem behavior
  • Complete a classroom environmental analysis to determine what is working, and where to enhance environmental behavior supports
  • Have a set of takeaway strategies that can be quickly implemented within any classroom

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Function to Reinforcement: A Deeper Dive into Understanding What to do About Challenging Behavior


Intended Audience

  • Special education teachers
  • General education teachers supporting students with behavior needs


  • BH017: Virtual (2 hours)

This training will focus on building understanding of functions of behavior that are commonly seen within the classroom setting. Case studies and examples will be used to support participants analyzing behaviors across an array of severity to determine appropriate strategy selection.
Emphasis will be placed on how to match interventions and replacement behaviors to the function of behavior.

Participants Will

  • Increase understanding of the functions of behavior
  • Be provided with specific explanations of how to implement positive behavior strategies within the classroom environment from the Prevent, Teach, Reinforce model
  • Be able to identify appropriate interventions given specific behavior functions

Visit our Special Training Opportunities web page for additional training opportunities!

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